FacePix Database
Dr. Sethuraman "Panch" Panchanathan
Dr. Sethuraman "Panch" Panchanathan
FacePix is a face image database created at the Center for Cognitive Ubiquitous Computing (CUbiC) at Arizona State University, and made available free of charge to the worldwide research community. In the first version of the FacePix database, called FacePix(30), there are 3 sets of face images for each of these 30 people (each set consisting of a spectrum of 181 images) where each image corresponds to a rotational interval of 1 degree, across a spectrum of 180 degrees, as follows: The first set contains 181 color face images that collectively represent a spectrum of pose angles. These images were captured with a moving video camera, using two stationary diffuse light sources that simulate ambient light. The face images in this set contain very little shadowing. Pose angle variations vary across a range from +90 degrees to -90 degrees, where +90 degrees represents a left profile view, 0 degrees represents a frontal view, and -90 degrees represents a right profile view. (An example of this first set is shown below.) The second set contains 181 color frontal face images that collectively represent a spectrum of illumination angles. These images were captured with a stationary video camera that captured a sequence of frontal views, while a spotlight rotated around the front of the person. The spotlight illumination angles vary across a range from +90 degrees to -90 degrees, where +90 degrees represents a spotlight position that illuminates the right profile of the face, 0 degrees represents a spotlight position that illuminates the front of the face, and -90 degrees represents a spotlight position that illuminates the left profile of the face. This spotlight illumination was combined with two stationary diffuse light sources that simulate ambient light. As a result, the face images in this set contain soft shadowing. The third set is similar to the second set, except that the spotlight illumination was not supplemented with any ambient light. As a result, the face images in this set contain harsh (dark) shadowing.
Funding Sources
National Science Foundation